Doublewood | FRIDAY.LASSITUDE.XIV - James Bay


by Jade Lam | October 09, 2015

On a Spotify “New Music Tuesday” playlist  last summer, I discovered this British singer James Bay.  If you recall, he was opener for the Rolling Stone concert at Hyde Park.

Chaos and the Calm’s his first full-length album following a pair of well-received EPs, reveals he has a precocious talent as a 24-year-old songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist.


Let It Go as he winds together elements of pop, folk, rock, blues, and soul. What initially caught my ear then, and still does, is the complete earnestness in which he sings. You can feel and almost see the heartbreak thanks to his visual lyrics.


Hold back the river there is something about this song that quickly draws you in and picks you up from any slump you’re in at the moment.

I could listen to his latest album all day, and I think you'll enjoy it too. Check out the song below.

James Bay - Let It Go

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